18 May 2011

Manusia Itu Unik


for once, i feel like an orange. like one little lucky orange from Chinese New Year hamper. ok bad perumpamaan. nevermind. 

then all in a sudden the orange was crushed and squeezed. and it wasn't one little lucky orange anymore. 

and i start to make jibek face. do you know how jibek face would looks like? jibek face is when, your lips goes longer than your nose. (you're trying to do jibek face right now, right? yes i know)

then you'll start crying. even though you are not a crying person. 

finally, you changed yourself into your favorite baju kelawar, lay down on your bed like sleeping-cat-position, listening to BigBang songs. and cried until you fall asleep, wishing that tomorrow everything will going to be okay. just like that. 

*sorry my last paint doest even look like a sleeping human, but more like a sleeping jerangkung. a little sad sleeping jerangkung in pink baju kelawar. that's it. 

goodnight, ladies and gentleman. 


  1. kenapa oren tu jadi crush orange.

  2. hahaha okayyy kantoi aku buat jibek face bila ko bagi bayangan macam mana nak buat ghope gitu :P
